Nature Care Foundation
The NCF was registered under the number: Z0000125243 on the 23rd of September 2021 under the societies Act No. 6 of 1995 in Zanzibar, Tanzania
The Nature Care Foundation was founded in 2021 to increase practical knowledge amongst Zanzibaris on the Island's environmental problems. While the Foundation is in its infancy, there is already evidence of change in the habits of Zanzibari's towards the animals, especially the cats.
Further, the Foundation seeks placement of the youth in sustainable jobs in areas such as waste management, animal care and reforestation, providing an increasing number of locals with a reliable source of income.

paka clinic
kawa training centre
The Nature Care Foundation financially supports KAWA Training Center with their Environmental Club. This orgnisation sensitises Zanzibar's youth on environmental problems and at the same time seeks placement for them in sustainable jobs providing a reliable income.
The NCF finances a large part of the costs of Paka Clinic, an organisation which takes care of Stone Town's street cats. Their greatest focus is on Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) campaigns for population control but also teaching local communities how to coexist best with a large population of street cats.